Celebrating its 25th Anniversary in 2025, Hudson Valley Hospice Foundation works to raise community awareness and funding in support of Hudson Valley Hospice’s mission to provide compassionate care, symptom management and control, comfort and freedom from pain and anxiety to the men, women and children of Dutchess and Ulster Counties who are facing life limiting illnesses of themselves or of a loved one.

Hudson Valley Hospice Foundation is recognized as tax exempt under section 501(c)(03) of the Internal Revenue Code and governed by a Board of Trustees. Our EIN No. is 14-1824200. As with all things tax related, we recommend that you consult your tax professional should you have any questions.


There are many ways you can support Hudson Valley Hospice Foundation, including:

Annual Giving


Your generous mailed or online donation is welcome anytime your heart moves you to do so.  These donations are also encouraged through our Annual Appeal, a direct mail request for general operating support. Your gift can be made in memory of or in honor of someone special.



Do you have a family foundation or fund or a connection to one? Funding from private and public foundations for general support or funding for a specific program or project can make a significant difference.

Memorial Gift


Memorial gifts are very special gifts, as they honor and recognize someone who has died. It should be noted that Memorial Gifts can be made at any time and for anyone by clicking here. They do not have to be made in the name of a Hudson Valley Hospice patient or be for a recent death.

Community Gifts


Community gifts come in all different shapes and sizes. Community donations can be the result of a group’s charitable efforts on behalf of the Foundation, such as a golf tournament or class project, or through a collection.

Memorial Garden


Remember and honor a loved one by purchasing a memorial brick in his or her name. The brick is embedded in our Memorial Garden pathways and dedicated at either our Spring or Fall Memorial Garden service. Friends and families are invited to join us in the Memorial Garden for music by our gifted Music Therapy staff, readings by our devoted Chaplains, a reading of the names and light refreshments. If you would like to purchase a Memorial Brick, please click here.


An annual celebration of life, trees are put up in Dutchess and Ulster Counties with paper ornaments hung on them in memory of a loved one. The Trees of Life are available November-January. Porcelain ornaments are cast each year in a different shape with the year on the back. In 2022 a snowflake was chosen, and offered for donations of $50 or more.



Hudson Valley Hospice Foundation can also benefit from people who are planning for gifts today that will have a profound impact on our community in the future. These gifts may take the form of bequests, charitable remainder trusts, life insurance or other types of charitable planned gifts and give you the freedom to stipulate a specific amount or a percentage of your estate or name a specific asset to be given to Hudson Valley Hospice Foundation.

Be a part of something extraordinary and join us today!  To make a donation to Hudson Valley Hospice Foundation, please click here or call us at 845-240-7609.

If your employer has a matching gift program, you can enhance your donation even further by submitting a matching gift form with your donation.

Thank you for your consideration!